Terms & Conditions
Florence Rentals Milligan & Milligan
The present apartment rental is agreed to under the following terms and conditions. For contracts exceeding 29 days an Italian version must be signed in our offices for tax office registration.
1) Overview: The contract stipulated is in accordance with Italian laws governing short-term rentals and therefore the Client declares that he or she has permanent residence elsewhere and is occupying the rental Property for motives of tourism, study, or work on a temporary basis. The contract terminates on the established date and cannot be extended or renewed. The prices indicated in the booking are based on the period the Client has indicated and include rent for the number of occupants, as well as final cleaning and laundering expenses, agency fees, and taxes and services.
For rentals under 29 days utilities are included, For rental periods that exceed 29 days A reasonable use of Utility are included (electricity water and gas) these will be calculated through meter readings and eventual excess will be billed and paid monthly or at the end of your stay for rentals under 2 months..
There are many variables that influence utility consumption: weather, number of guests, length of showers, number of loads of laundry done, temperature maintained in the house.
For rentals under 30 days there is a city council-imposed sojourn tax of Euro 6 per person per day for guests over 11 on rentals under a month , with a maximum of 42 Euros per person which must be paid in cash at the agency or though the booking website.
The booking will be confirmed once a downpayment has been paid.
2) Deposit: The Client is required to provide a security deposit at check in. This deposit will be refunded to the Client within 30 days of check-out provided there is no damage to the apartment and the utilities have been paid in full.. It is understood that if the Property has been damaged by the Client, if items are missing, if contractual obligations were not respected, the Owner has the right to retain all or part of the deposit. It is understood, furthermore ,that if there is damage to the apartment the refund of the balance of deposit may exceed 30 days in order to execute repairs and receive repair bills. The Owner is entitled to claim compensation for any damages or fees incurred that exceed the amount of the deposit. The deposit cannot be used for the payment of rental fees and must be retained by the Owner of the Property until the end of the lease.
3) Duration and cancellation: The duration of the contract is indicated above with check-in and check-out dates. Changes to arrival and departure dates are accepted as long as the Property is available and the change is communicated more than 60 days prior to the initial reservation date. In the event of cancellation prior to the beginning of the lease, the Owners are entitled to the following amounts:
❏ 30% deposit retained for cancellations more than 60 days in advance of check-in date
❏ 50% deposit retained for cancellations between 30-60 days in advance of check-in date
❏ 100% deposit retained and any other fees incurred by the Owner for cancellations less than 30 days in advance of check-in date
In the event of cancellation after the lease has commenced, the Client is liable to lose the entire amount of the rent and the deposit, though Milligan & Milligan will make every effort to find a replacement renter to cover the remaining period of the lease.
4) Owner obligations:
4.1 The Owner of the Property guarantees that the electric and heating systems fulfill all legal and functional requirements of Italian law.
4.2 The Owner of the Property may replace the Property with an identical or superior Property if circumstances beyond the Owner’s control make it impossible to guarantee the use of the Property. The Client may refuse the proposed replacement for a substantial and documentable cause and the Owner will be obliged to refund all fees paid, for period in which the tenant could not use the property. No further compensation will be due to the Client.
4.3 The Owner is not liable to the Client for interruption and/or suspension of the service of gas, water, electricity, heating and internet beyond the Owner’s control, nor is the owner liable for disturbance caused by third parties.
4.4 The Owner is obligated to follow the Italian energy conservation laws which indicates initial and end dates for heating to be on as well as number of hours per day and temperature permitted.
4.5 The Owner is not responsible for reimbursing tenants for any expenses, costs or fees that were not previously agreed to in writing.
5) Client obligations:
5.1 The Client agrees that the maximum number of people that may occupy the Property has been stated in the reservation and that the ID document of any guests will be presented to the Owner.
5.2 The Client cannot sublet all or any part of the Property.
5.3 The Client must inform the Owner of any change in the his or her status as regards his or her right of permanence in Italy and provide the pertinent documentation.
5.4 The Client agrees to maintain the Property in an orderly manner and will not alter or damage the Property or its contents in any way. The Client agrees not to cause noise or disturbance to the residents of any neighboring properties.
5.5 The Client agrees to take reasonable care and adopt the necessary safety measures to avoid unauthorized persons from accessing the Property for the entire duration of the lodging period as set above. It is understood that should the Client fail to comply with said obligation, they shall be liable to the Owner for any damage caused to the Property and/or items contained therein.
5.6 Clients staying in Italy on student status must provide the agency with a letter from their school proving they are attending a course and the days of the course.
5.7 Clients remaining 30 days or more , who therefore will need an Italian tax number for contract registration, must provide the agency with proof of when they entered the EU in the form of stamp on their passport or a copy of ticket.
6) The Client is responsible for returning all keys issued at the end of his or her stay; failure to do so gives the Owner the right to change the locks and make a sufficient number of keys for the new lock at the Client’s expense.
6.1 If the Client is not present at check-in, his or her representative cannot sign the contract on the Client’s behalf. For these situations the client must send the contract signed in the proper fields via email at least 10 days before arrival and include the name of the person who will be present at check-in so he or she can pick up the keys. This representative will be responsible for passing on all the information given at check-in to the other occupants.
6.2 The Owner can have the apartment cleaned at the Client's expense if the property is kept by the Client in a state that could attract bugs and or rodents, or permanent damage to the apartment.
7) Arrivals are usually between 2-7 pm. Arrival time must be set up with the Owner or the Owner’s representative. In some cases there may be an extra charge for arrivals outside the established hours. Owners or Owner’s representatives will wait for Clients arrival for a maximum 1 hour after the established arrival time. Delay in arrival without any notice may incur a charge. Arrival time and itinerary must be communicated to the Agency at least 3 days prior to arrival. It is necessary to call the number provided once in Florence to meet the person who will be on call for check -in
7.1 The Owner or the Owner’s representative has the right to access the Property by giving 24 hours notice to the Client, or immediately and without notice in the case of an emergency. If the Owner needs to show the apartment to potential renters, the Client must provide the Owner or the Owner’s representative with a mutually agreed upon time and date to do so. For these purposes the Client will ensure to provide a valid email address and telephone number at which they can be reached.
8) Pets: Pets are not allowed in all rental properties. Failure to comply will entitle the Owner of the Property to withhold extra fees for cleaning and disinfecting the Property.
9) Outdoor spaces: Properties with gardens and terraces must be maintained as part of the Property and at check-out must be in the same state in which they were handed over. Costs incurred for garden maintenance during the rental period are the Client’s responsibility unless otherwise stated in writing. Request of intervention and assistance on the Client’s part will be dealt with as fast as possible and in the case of responsibility due to negligence on the Client’s part, the Client may be charged. Problems regarding mosquitoes and other insects should be solved by the tenant.
10). Clause of termination by operation of law:
10.1. The Owner may cause this contract to be terminated by operation of law by sending the Client written notice in any of the following events:
a) should the Client fail to pay the due amount as it refers to the Property by the due date and in accordance with the terms set above or;
b) should the Client’s conduct be contrary to taking due care of the Property (see art. 5).
10.2. In the cases designated above, the owner will be entitled to retain, by way of penalty, the payments for the Property previously paid by the Client.
11) Data: The client authorizes the use of his or her personal data in order to complete the rental reservation and contract obligations as per Italian and European law (articles 13 and 14 of the UE Regulation 679/2016 or Regolamento RGPD).
12) Thefts/Injuries: The Owner will not be liable to the Client for any thefts perpetrated. The Owner is not responsible for any injuries to the guests inside the Property. For this reason Milligan & Milligan strongly suggests having travel insurance.
13) Legal Clause for owners of “cedolare secca”: With reference to Article 3 Paragraph 11 Dlgs.23/11e regarding the rental lease in question, leased by the Client for residential purposes, the Client is informed that Milligan & Milligan exercises the option to withhold tax on rents. Pursuant to and for the purposes of the legislation referred to above the right is renounced to ask for any upgraded rental fees, due to the change in ‘ISTAT’, which will remain unchanged until expiry. In addition, taxes will not be due for the registration of the contract.
14) Modification of contract:
14.1 After the arrival date this contract can be modified only in writing and there may be a cost to do so.
14.2 Before the arrival date the Client and the Owner agree to contact Milligan & Milligan to arrange any sort of modifications to this contract. Such modifications must be formalized via email.
This agreement must be signed and returned to confirm booking. In the case of rentals over 30 days it is obligatory to sign an agreement in Italian at the office of Milligan & Milligan for registration at the local tax office.
Please read through these rules and confirm that you understand the regulations regarding property rentals:
Call Milligan & Milligan immediately if you have a problem. Even if you have informed the Owner, please let the agency know as well.
Within 2 days of moving in please report in writing any broken, missing, or damaged objects in the Property. Failure to do so may mean you could be charged.
In the spring and summer, Italy is full of mosquitoes. We suggest you buy a Vapemat (a refillable vaporizer you plug into the wall that repels mosquitoes). Please do not squash mosquitoes on the walls of your apartment or you will be charged for repainting.
Do not stick tape on the walls and furniture or nail anything into the walls as you will be charged for filling in the holes and repainting.
Do not flush Tampons, sanitary napkins, or any other products down the toilet. Avoid letting hair, food, or other objects collect in the drains. Sewer systems are delicate and you will be charged for any plumbing bills incurred as a result of your stay.
Garbage should be placed in the street-side bins or underground bins in your neighborhood, each bin has a sign indicating which refuse should be place there ( ex: paper. organic, glass/metal/ plastic, or everything else) Please remove garbage from your apartment promptly and never place it in common areas. NEVER leave garbage in condominium areas, on stairs, or in the entrance. Please note that garbage bags leak, do not place garbage on the floor outside the garbage bin.
All furniture should be left in its original place. You will be charged if the Owner has to move the furniture back to its original position, as well as for any damages to the walls or furniture itself incurred during the re-positioning.
Please do not turn off radiators. Use the thermostat on the wall to lower the temperature or turn off the heat.
Please keep off the rooftops as it is extremely dangerous and can cause very costly repair bills for which you will be held responsible.
KEEP ALL NOISE TO A MINIMUM. By Italian law no noise should be heard from one apartment to another after 11pm. If you are creating disruption with loud music, TV, voices, slamming doors, talking on stairwells, etc., the neighbors have the right to call the police.
DO NOT PLUG IN APPLIANCES from the U.S. as they blow the fuses even with adapters.
Please OPEN YOUR WINDOWS to let out moisture after taking a bath or shower and turn on the ventilator fan if there is one to prevent mold from growing in the property. All rooms of the property should be aired out frequently ( crack windows daily for an hour or so ) to avoid mildew. Repainting due to negligence in airing out the apartment will be at the tenants expense.
Apartments must be vacated by 10am on the day the lease ends and left in a state of cleanliness.
-Dispose of all garbage and recycling in the proper place.
-Leave only one set of sheets and towels dirty per registered tenant, otherwise you will be charged for the laundering of extra linens.
-Replace all broken or lost objects (including light bulbs).
-Make sure all dishes are washed and no food is left in the refrigerator or around the kitchen.
-Make sure you leave the keys on the table and close the door securely behind you at check-out. In a few cases where doors do not lock automatically we will instruct you where to leave the key